Timetables of the ET&WNC Railroad
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Page Contents
ET&WNC Map and Timetable – 1922

Map and Timetable from Johnson’s Depot at StateOfFranklin.net. Click here for their ET&WNC collection.
ET&WNC Sources & Resources
The following are excellent resources for those of you wanting to explore and learn more about the ET&WNC Railroad. These sources of information also serve as reference and historical materials for Appalachian-Railroads.org. Much of the content on the website is verified across multiple sources.
- Association: ET&WNC Railroad Historical Society and their Facebook Page
- Personal Maps & Memorabilia: Documents, maps, timetables, and track charts
- Book: Ferrell: ‘Tweetsie Country’
- Book: Graybeal: ‘The Railroads of Johnson City’
- Book: Graybeal: ‘Along the ET&WNC’ Volumes 1-6
- Book: Poole: ‘History of Railroading in Western North Carolina’
- Book: Scheer & Black: ‘Tweetsie: The Blue Ridge Steamwinder’
- Book: Sulzer: ‘Ghost Railroads of Tennessee’
- Website: Carolana.com
- Website: CarterCountyHistory.com
- Website: StateOfFranklin.net which hosts Johnson’s Depot
- Website: SteamLocomotive.com
Contact Us
Would enjoy hearing from you if you have questions, suggestions, edits, or content that you are willing to share. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have similar interests in the railroads or model railroading.